Collection: color change garnet

Color change garnet is a gemstone with very attractive properties among gemstones. Its most distinctive feature is that it changes color depending on the type of light.

Color-change garnets usually appear greenish or blue-green in natural or daytime light sources. However, under incandescent light bulbs and downlights, it changes to a purple or reddish hue. This color change makes you feel magical and mysterious.

This color change is caused by the chemical composition and crystalline properties of the color change garnet. We see different colors depending on the wavelength of light and the absorption of light.

In addition, high-quality color change garnet is required to be highly transparent and to have few impurities and inclusions inside. You can enjoy the beautiful reflection of light with a transparent shine. However, beware of vendors who sell color-change garnet at exorbitant prices. This is because it is a garnet and not an alexandrite itself.

The cut is also an important factor, and it is important that the cut is precise and uniform in order to maximize the brilliance of the color change garnet. A proper cut maximizes the reflection and refraction of light, creating a beautiful brilliance.

Overall, color-change garnets are popular among gem lovers and collectors because of their magical color change, high transparency, and beautiful brilliance. As a unique and attractive gemstone, it can be said that it attracts people's hearts.