Collection: Eyed Crace
What is Idocrase? The origin of its name and its characteristics
The relationship between idocrase and vesuvianite
Idocrase is also known as vesuvianite , a name that comes from its first discovery on Mt. Vesuvianite in Italy in 1975. Idocrase and vesuvianite are different names, but they refer to the same gemstone.
Colors and types of idiocrase
Idocrase is a colored gemstone that comes in a wide variety of colors. It is found in the following colors:
- green
- brown
- yellow
- colorless
- Blue
- red
- violet
- Pink
However, most of these colors are considered extremely rare .
Idocrase with a special name
Some idocrases have been given special names based on their color or characteristics:
Californite (California jade) : Green with white specks
Xanthite : Yellowish brown
Cyprin : Blue due to copper content
Distribution and value of idocrase
Idocrase is not widely available in the general jewelry market. However, it is a gemstone that is popular among stone collectors and rare stone jewelry enthusiasts . Due to its rarity and variety of colors, it is considered to be highly valuable as a collection item.
Related Keywords
Idocrase, vesuvianite, californite, xanthite, cyprin, idocrase characteristics, rare stone jewelry