Collection: petalite

Petalite is mostly produced in lumps, so gem-quality production is very rare, and crystal-shaped ones are sometimes cut into small columnar crystals. Because of its rarity, it is highly prized among collectors and gem enthusiasts. This stone is said to have been discovered around 1800.

The name petalite is derived from the Greek words "petalon" (leaf) and "lithos" (stone), and as the name suggests, it has the property of cleaving into leaf discs.

Due to the small columnar crystals and cleavage, faceted looses are very rare and not often seen on the general market. Therefore, large crystals are extremely rare. Among collectors, it is considered to be one of the Ruths that you definitely want to own.

Petalite is also popular as a power stone and is useful in a wide range of applications. Especially when crystals with high transparency are faceted, you can enjoy a very beautiful vitreous luster. Therefore, it is one of the highly recommended gemstones for ornamental purposes.