Collection: amethyst

Amethyst is a purple crystal (quartz). Amethyst has been popular in Japan since ancient times, and can be obtained in a wide range of sizes, from cute jewels to large crystals.

Amethyst is sometimes seen as a mineral specimen, but it is surprisingly rare to see a beautiful gem-quality giant amethyst faceted as a highly transparent gemstone. Columnar crystals of several tens of centimeters including host rock can also be seen, but it can be said that amethyst as a high-quality gemstone is rare.

Among quartz, amethyst is the most highly valued color among various colors, and it is "purple". Amethyst's noble color can be said to be a factor that has continued to attract people's hearts.

The name amethyst comes from Greek mythology, meaning "not drunk". Believed to have the power to prevent drunkenness and protect the mind from evil desires, this stone has been considered a noble stone to be possessed by priests. Amethyst is also a pleochroic crystal that has the property of exhibiting different colors depending on the viewing direction.

Amethyst is produced in a wide area around the world, but the main production area is Africa including Zambia. Amethyst that shows a deep purple color is also produced in Brazil, and some discoloration type amethyst that takes on a strong red tone under electric light has also been found.

Amethyst is considered the birthstone for February, and is a gemstone that allows you to enjoy the elegant and elegant purple color of crystals. Brazil, Zambia, and Namibia are the main producers.