Collection: hessonite garnet

Hessonite Garnet is a beautiful gemstone that is a member of the garnet group and is characterized by its bright green color. It is the same type as tsavorite, but has a different color, and the name hessonite comes from the Greek word "hesson", which means "less".

Hessonite garnet has a color gradation of yellowish brown, orange, and reddish brown centered on reddish brown, and its coloring is due to manganese and iron. The reddish hue in particular has a high market value, and the old gemstone name from Sri Lanka is known as 'cinnamon stone'. The reddish-orange color is called "hyacinth" or "jacinth", and the gem name as an ancient word still remains, making you feel the depth of the history of hessonite garnet. In Indian astrology, hessonite garnet is used and considered a talisman against danger and a sacred stone.

Hessonite garnet also has a characteristic pattern called "Ryumon" that looks like a stream of water. This is due to the unique crystal structure of the hessonite inside the crystal, and the gemstone with beautiful characteristics makes it a fine collection stone.

In addition, molasses-like structures (treacles), which are growth structures peculiar to crystals, and stump-like stubby-like crystal inclusions are also unique features of hessonite. The luster peculiar to crystals has its own style and charm, and makes you feel the brightness and warmth of the sun. Hessonite garnet is a gemstone that has been loved by people for a long time, so please enjoy its mysterious world.