Collection: Hackmanite

Hackmanite is a mineral whose main component is sodium sulfide, and is a kind of sodium sulfide salt mineral. Hackmanite is excited by ultraviolet rays and has the property of emitting light from reddish purple to bluish green. This characteristic luminescence phenomenon is called "Hackman effect".

Hackmanite typically forms in sodium-rich environments such as trichochrome deposits and salt lakes. The main production areas are Myanmar (Burma), Canada, the United States, Madagascar, etc. Hackmanite can form transparent to translucent crystals that are usually white to gray in color, but change to reddish purple or blue-green when exposed to UV light due to the Hackman effect.

Hackmanite is popular as a gemstone due to its unique luminescent phenomenon. In particular, Hackmanite's luminescence under ultraviolet light is a beautiful spectacle, and it is gaining popularity as a collection item and jewelry due to its charm. Hackmanite can also coexist with other minerals in trichochrome deposits, in which case beautiful crystal clusters can be formed.