Collection: "A" row gem

Gems beginning with the letter A include:

  1. Aquamarine: A member of the mineral beryl, it is a beautiful blue transparent gemstone. It is also the birthstone for March.
  2. Amethyst: A type of quartz, it is a beautiful transparent gemstone with a purplish tint. It is also the birthstone for February.
  3. Amber: Fossilized tree sap, a yellow or brownish transparent gemstone. It is also the birthstone for June.
  4. Andalusite: A transparent gemstone with beautiful yellow and green tones. It is a pleochroic gemstone.
  5. Alexandrite: A beautiful, transparent green-to-red gemstone, highly rare and the birthstone for June.

Each of these gemstones has its own unique beauty and meaning. For example, aquamarine means 'love and courage', while amethyst symbolizes 'honesty and strength'. Amber is said to bring health and good luck since ancient times, and Andalusite means "insight". Alexandrite has the meaning of "change and growth" with its changing color.