Collection: sinhalite

Sinhalite is a rare gemstone known to originate from Sri Lanka. Mineralogically, this gem is a mineral with a composition of magnesium, aluminum, and silicon, and it exists as transparent crystals and grenadite (massive).

Sinhalite is generally yellow or brown in color and is highly transparent, often with a glass-like luster. There are also rare pink and orange variations. Its beautiful color and unique crystal shape make it highly valuable as a gemstone.

Sri Lanka is one of the major sources of Sinhalite, especially the Ratnapura area. Ratnapura is the center of Sri Lanka's gem industry and the region where many gems are produced. Sinhalite is one of the rarest and most sought after by collectors and gem enthusiasts.

Sinhalite is usually processed as a gemstone and used in jewelry such as rings, necklaces and earrings. Its beautiful color and luster make it an attractive element in jewelry.